Dying Light 2: Find sunken city - that's how it works

In this Guide to Dying Light 2 you will learn:

  • What the sunken city in Dying Light 2 is
  • How it goes on after the epilogue
  • How to free the sunken city...
  • ... and what awaits you there

In Dying Light 2: Stay Human you have to make some decisions that sustainably influence the outcome of the game and the entire game world. One of them even puts a secret urban area free, which you never get to see with the wrong answer. We show you how you reach the sunken city in Dying Light 2: Stay Human.


What is the sunken city in Dying Light 2?

The sunken city is an area in the south of the central ring, which is completely under water . Only if you meet during one of the last story quests in the Epilogue of Dying Light 2: Stay Human the right decision at the right moment, you release the secret district. There is also a completely new zombie style next to every lot of Loot.

Which quest leads me to the sunken city?

During the story quest "The breakthrough" aid must pursue a truck that should lead him directly into the headquarters of the renewal . The van makes a stopover in a renegade building that can enter her over a fire leader in the West.

Caution : Here starts the epilogue of Dying Light 2: Stay Human. You read more in the next section.

If you go through the door, the story quest starts "now or never" in which you can expose the sunken city. You start in the basement and have to shake up a zombie horde in a wild parkour run in the upper storeys and on the way . If you have done it to the elevators, you will also be added renewal. Fight through the other floors until you reach the van. Aiden takes the driver as a hostage and he leads him directly into the headquarters of the renegal.

Can I continue to play normal after the epilogue in Dying Light 2?

Shortly before her door to the desolate building at the end of the story quest "the breakthrough", the Epilogue of Dying Light 2: Stay Human and a window popped up. It says that you should do all the open tasks and side quests before entering. However, secondary missions and collection objects are still active and findable after completion of the main quest. Only the consequences of your decisions so far can not be und1. So you can rest soothes the epilogue.

How do I achieve the colonel of the renegal?

In the headquarters, she sneaks past the guards through the tall grass and crosses the rope bridge to the red brick building. If you want to stay in Stealth mode, go into the water and dives to the other shore. Carefully climbs on land and overwhelmed the two guards in front of the door with an ambush. Even an open exchange loss leads to the destination. But you have to absorb it with significantly more renegade.

Enter the building and you reach a hall in which a large table is arranged and a guard with the back is bent to you over a lattice gate. Overwhelmed the renegade and rises the hatch down . Floats through the channel and follows the corridor. On the way you expect more apostates. Doing it and goes through the big wing door.


Which decisions do I have to meet in dialogue with the Colonel?

After a short sequence, the dialog starts with the colonel . Here decides whether her exposes the sunken city or not. The encounter can vary from different decisions based on your previous decisions. But with the following descriptions, however, you get to the destination in any case.

During the conversation, it is clear that the boss of the renegal is not your enemy. To achieve the sunken city, you would still have to turn in any case against the Colonel . Selects the dialog option "I believe Matt". Alternatively, you will previously meet Lawan, which threatens the Colonel and his wife. Also introduce you to Lawan's side and does not believe in the Colonel.

How do I free the sunken city in Dying Light 2?

In both cases it comes to a fight with his men. If you did you do, you have to leave the shot walls. Go to the pumps left or right of the concert wing and actuates the levers. The current falls out and it comes to a boss fight with the champion of the Colonel.

Just do the archers and then the simple soldiers. In one-counter-one you have against the subtle but strong champion easy game. Just do not have to meet his power attacks. Then put the cable back into the generator and shipyard both pumps . In the following intermediate sequence, you see how the sunken city appear in Dying Light 2: Stay Human and the new zombie style.

Other guides to Dying Light 2: Stay Human on Dying: * Dying Light 2 Book Club Side Quantity: This is how you can find all books * Dying Light 2 Quick Travel: Finding all subway stations * Dying Light 2 Easter Eggs: Find Cyber hands 2177 * Dying light 2 transmitter decision: who is allowed to spark? visits us Facebook and Instagram and discuss with us about your favorite games.


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