Knights of the Old Republic in the test: Cult role-play in Loveless Switch
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (MOTOR) is an RPG computer game collection, based on an earlier comic book series, and also with a subsequent brand-new comics collection, all based on the fictional cosmos of Star Wars by George Lucas. The very first as well as third video clip game installations were created by BioWare, while the secondly was done by Obsidian Enjoyment per Quasars request. All were published by Quasars. Both comic series were released by Dark Horse Comic Books. Both series function as prequels to the computer game. With the discarding of the Expanded World on April 25, 2014, and also rebranding it as Star Wars Legends, Motor multimedia task is the only remaining source that continues to generate Legends information.
Asp yr does not lose loose: For a few years, the US Studio has failed regularly on ports of old Star Wars titles. Whether Jedi Knight, Republic Commando or Racer: Thanks to Asp yr, the games run back on modern consoles and mobile devices, albeit with fluctuating success. Because where some implementations were still okay, others went thoroughly next to it. But one thing all had mean: the porting were only aware of the most necessary, from the predicate Remaster far away. And that s exactly what applies to the late Switch version of Knights of the Old Republic. Asp yr brings Biowares s cult game without compromising on the Nintendo console, the result is neatly playable and technically much more rounded than, for example, the brutal smacking Republic Commando. But who hoped for a beautiful new edition with a lot of fairy and clever improvements is disappointed.
The legend of Darth Evan
In terms of content, you get exactly the same role-playing game, which celebrated his debut in 2003 and until today cult status enjoys: Bioware has created a leisurely but class-written Star Wars adventure, which unfolds 4,000 before the Skywalker saga. A war is burned between the old republic and the Sith, Darth Evan and Darth Malay command the armies of the dark side with cruel hardness. Without memories or prior knowledge, you will be thrown into this galactic conflict. While your power skills are going to awaken slowly, you have to find out whom you really are to start your education as a Jedi, make tricky decisions — and ultimately determine the outcome of the war.
As in Biowares later works (Mass Effect, Jade Empire), you command a three-headed team that you put together from interesting characters. At your side, several Jedi, a rookie, a Two led rogue, droids, soldiers and mercenaries fight. All figures learn better in the course of history, in many talks, their influence on their behavior and their perspectives take. While you are trying different planets to seek the parts of a mysterious star card, they also make a lot of minor characters that entangle you in interesting quests: you take part in tournaments, solves murder cases, drives headlands, activate you as a lawyer or walk in the diving suit along the seabed. Much of them is a bit dusty today and dry, even because longer paths are incurred on which hardly something happens. But compensation for the many quests, which are still well entertaining today and often offer several solutions. Especially cool: Depending on your decisions, your points for the bright or dark side collects, thus some action details and conversations change, but you have access to different power talents. There is a second game run! Even after 18 years, Motor scores with a good story and interesting quests. (Manufacturer s picture) Source: Asp yr Media
Role play for all
The tactical combat system falls simple: Your three-member team automatically goes over to attack and divides in real time with laser swords, vibroclings or blasts. This is already completely sufficient in most situations. It will be tricky, you can also apply specifically special attacks or power talents. Also, the use of grenades, shields and healing syringes takes place via a small action bar, in which you can connect up to four commands together. So that the three heroes does not taste in stress, the game will be paused at any time.
Also, the character system is beginner-friendly: You must select at the beginning of only three basic classes and a few basic properties. Later to upload your heroes with all kinds of weapons and armor to equip and improve skills that you then persuade example interlocutor, Picking locks, repair robots or can develop your combat talents. After a few hours you ll also design for Jedi, then you can watch several lightsaber types and power-magic use and your figure adjusted so a little your preferences without you had to ponder any numerical values long. Since RPG muffle look through. Depending on the decision it tends more to the light or dark side of the Force. Source: (buy now €15,00 / €7,37) PC Games MOTOR was already not perfect, and it shows today Reborn: The pathfinding of your party members is still as mixed as 18 years ago, remain now and then friends also hang times and have only then traipse to you before you are allowed to leave an area. The camera control allows no zoom. Mini-games like the stupid space battles, pod race or the card game Bazaar make today hardly fun and can not be skipped. The switch also provides version lacks a practical quick save function as in the smartphone version.
Solid implementation of the classic
Even with the graphics you have to (at least) a blind eye. What was still properly staged great, namely tears today no blade of grass out more. All the same, some outer areas like the plains of Antoine or the floating city on Canaan have aged gracefully and still quite atmospheric. Most of the interiors fall for it gray, dull and boring. Also, most character models look a bit bulky and stiff animated, with some muddy textures also fall badly on. At least in the pretty animated lightsaber battles but can still imagine that MOTOR counted times to the graphically the best RPGs of its time. Technically, the switch version falls also beautiful than the washed-out original Xbox, just the ambient textures reminiscent of the better PC version. The optics also benefits significantly from clean antialiasing and the widescreen format of the switch. Just as we did already experience the game on the smartphone — which is why, we suspect that Asp yr simply the mobile version has ported that has already appeared in 2013 for iOS devices.
When sound everything remains the same, even the complete German voice acting is on board. If you prefer the (better) English speech, you have to change the system language in the console settings. A few outdoor levels still look surprisingly from atmospheric. (Manufacturer s picture) Source: Asp yr Media
Glasses? Does not need it.
Where the smartphone versions convinced yet with a slim, thoughtful interface, lets us switch implementation perplexes: Asp yr has — for whatever reason — recreated the old user interface of the Xbox version, and while well-intentioned a bit. With its oversized info boxes and huge font sizes, the HUD sets over large parts of the game graphics. Here would be not necessary at all, after the switch socket grabs handle 1080p, while the muddy Xbox version had to be readable even on old tube TV. The worst however is the huge display when a fight begins: A huge black box along with red writing then stretches across the screen, the worst case even obscures the view of opponents. At the latest on a big screen TV that seems almost ridiculous.
Above to see: In fighting a giant note in a black box will appear. Source: PC Games In the menus you are allowed reading glasses quiet can be plugged: Whether inventory, quest log or talent selection, everything was packaged in large boxes with thicker font, let the left and right but a lot of unused space. The reason you do not have to look far: The menus were originally set to 4: 3 screens designed and have hardly been revised. And who still doubt that Asp yr just the old interface has scaled up need only take a look at the character portraits or icons throw armor — which are in fact so blurred that it can not possibly be new graphics. Instead, the old pictures was simply chased by a sharpening filter — and so unfortunately the result looks also.
Whether in TV or Handheld mode: The texts fall unnecessarily big. Source: PC Games
Remains only to hope that ASSR will put its entire time and energy into the recently announced remake of Motor. After all, the team must come into huge footsteps. But until it s time, we expect a switch version of Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. This has already ported ASSR in December 2020 for mobile devices. How well the implementation has become, you can read in our big test.
Buy or not?
Although the switch implementation of Motor likes only the necessary deliver, but for that you can also have a discount price: for only 12.50 euros you can download the BioWare classic from the shop.
My opinion
From field contactor editor
Biowares classic would have earned more love.
Of course, Motor can not hide its high age: the pretty dry staging, the simple fights, the long-running paths — all this is better today. Nevertheless, Motor is still a true tip for Star Wars fans, which value a proper story, quest decisions and sympathetic characters! Although Motor was clearly surpassed by his successor in some points, but those who get involved in the experience, still gets a great, uncomplicated star-Wars role-playing game that can easily take beginners. Do you have the Motor already played on PC, an Xbox console or smartphone? Then you can save the switch implementation basically, because there is no added value here just. Asp yr really made only the necessary thing: the performance is neat, the picture clear and clean, the German voice output also on board. But especially the interface gives me puzzles: the huge points and texts cover so much from the picture that I already ask myself how it came through the development at all. The mobile version did not have these problems. Hopefully asp yr pushes again. A classic like Motor really deserves it.
From Felix Schultz editor 12.11.2021 at 18:18
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