Former cod

Apex Legends is a welcome alternative for many disappointed Warzone players. Including the former professional NickMerc. He is still thinking that Apex Legends is significantly better than warzone. Why that in his opinion is the case, you will learn here on Meinmom!

Who is NickMerc s? Nicolas NickMerc s Kolkff is a 31 year old pro gamer from the USA and co-owners of the FAZen clan. In addition, he was a lot in COD in the past and has mainly massive hours in the war zone. Most recently, he fell negative because he had organized a big party without Corona protective measures. He also belongs to the highest paid gamers.

How did he come to Apex Legends? Due to the continued cheater flood in the Warzone, NickMerc s, among other top players, leave the COD-Battle Royale in mid-2021 and is changing to Apex Legends. That seems like he still seems to him, because in a tweet, the top gamer recently announced that he loves Apex and he calls a great reason.

Apex Legends has a great advantage, according to NickMerc s, but not everyone looks like that

What is the big advantage of Apex Legends? Nickmercs has been fun for APEX Legends for months and sleeping it excited up and down. His main reason for the great fun at the game are not the fast pace, the cool gunplay, the original maps or the various playable heroes with their individual skills.

Rather, according to his recent tweet, NickMerc s estimates a matter of Apex Legends: the ranking!

Because these to bond, so Nickmerc s, make a heathen fun! And in fact, a permanently functioning, global ranking is something that the warzone does not still have. In addition to the surgical sniper-disease, this is another reason for NickMerc s to stay away from the warzone and further to gamble Apex Legends.

What is a ranking mode? This game mode in Apex Legends grants points or defeats each. If one has enough of it, it rises in rank and climbs in ever higher leaders, with the Apex Predator league being the highest. For competitive players, such as NickMerc s, it is very motivating to emerge against other players and with strong performance constant in the top league. However, there are problems with hackers in the top league, which paralyzes the servers with DDOs attacks.

What does the comunity say? The Tweet of NickMerc s was recorded differently by his community.

Apex Legends: Escape Gameplay Trailer

Thus, the - also from Warzone to Apex replaced - Top Player Courage, that Warzone does not even close to Apex Legends rankäme. Streamer Nicwigg of the 100 Thieves had as a compliment I ve always knew that you have a good taste at Games Given.

However, not every one of NiCMerc s opinion is. Some of his fans give in tweet that Warzone is much better than Apex Legends, that s just a silly game for kids. Another user firmly believes that Nickmerc s will soon come back to the warzone when the promised anti-cheat and the new Pacific Map are there.


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