Originally, Giorno was going to be a woman in Jojo's
One of the greatest attractions of _ Jojo's Bizarre Adventure _, is that each part offers us a series of secondary characters, locations, themes, gender, and even a unique protagonist. However, in the development of all these sections, one or more ideas are discarded. In this way, it was recently revealed that Hirohiko Araki, Mangaka responsible for this work, wished Giorno Giovanna a woman.
As part of the interviews published in the book of JOJOVELLER, Araki revealed that he had the intention to reveal that Giorno was actually a woman in the _vento aureo _ sleeve. However, this idea was discarded. This was what was commented in the book about it:
Araki initially launched the idea of converting the protagonist of Part 5 into a female character. However, he discussed him with the editor of him at that time, Hiroshi Sekiya, who thought that a female protagonist would be difficult to sell for the readers of Weekly Shonen Jump, so the eventual protagonist ended up being a young man. Sekiya points out that the Japanese name of Giorno, Haruno Shiobana, is feminine and that the power of Gold Experience to give life is reminiscent of a woman's own ability to give life. Because Araki wondered (seemingly joking) about the possible revelation that Giorno was a woman who looked like a man all the time, Sekiya theoriza that Araki could have had the idea of a female giorno.
Although the idea of a protagonist for Jojo did not come true in the fifth, eventually we saw Jolyne Cujoh, who is the main character of stone ocean, Part that he will finally be animated at the end of this year. At the time, and even to this day, it is not common to see a protagonist on the pages of Shonen Jump.
On related topics, here you can learn more about the nine part of the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure sleeve. Similarly, the anime of stone ocean will be released at Netflix worldwide.
Via: ComicBook.
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