Not Tonight 2: Gloomy Management

Not Tonight 2 has been announced by PanicBarn and No More Robots. The gloomy management role-playing game à la Papers, please play in an alternative (broken) America, which focuses on capitalism and political greed. In this scenario, you try to retrieve the ID documents of a person who abducted in a protest action and was covered by the authorities in a Gulag. The predecessor played after the failed Brexit (to the test).

No More Robot: _ Immigration Authority Case No 112: You are arrested. Unless your friends can cross a broken America, retrieve your ID documents and avoid trouble ... This is the end of the American dream for you.

In an alternative (broken) America, in which capitalism and political greed are the focus, your friend has disappeared. Eduardo Suarez, kidnapped in a protest action, was arrested by the authorities and is now sitting in the Gulag von Miami and is waiting for his process.Not Tonight 2 is an American road trip through document test that connects a role-playing game with a politically charged, dark comedy with a politically charged, dark comedy where every decision counts. Will Eduardo's friends Malik, Kevin and Mari manage to locate his documents in time and bring to Miami or is this the end of the American dream?

Features: _

  • DREI is branching stories written by a team of People-of-Color Autoren
  • Make on the way through America and meet terrible decisions
  • Arting on the doors of clubs, churches, racetracks, casinos and sects
  • Colliments badges as you lock a variety of Alberner, poignant mini-games
  • _Rhythmus games, wordsociations, serving burgers, assessing religion, check chickens and more _

Last updated video: Reveal trailer

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)

Screenshot - Not Tonight 2 (PC)


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