How to solve the UNCENTRATION RAY puzzles in Tower of Fantasy
Traveling along Aida in Tower of Fantasy, you will face various puzzles. Often the solution is easy to determine, but some of them can be difficult to understand. This includes the Concentration Ray towers. This may make you think about the completion of concentration rays in the fantasy tower. What to do with the rays of concentration in Tower of Fantasy Concentration Rays)-type of puzzle with research points in Tower of Fantasy, first found in Crown. To solve this puzzle, you must align a series of towers and indicate them by purple break . But many of the towers are inactive and cannot be activated. You must monitor chain tower return to the active tower. As soon as you do this, you can go in turn and interact with each tower to activate it. This will turn on them all and close the crack. When you find an inactive tower, search the area until you find the remaining towers in the chain. The decision of the UNCENTRENTRATION RAY usually rewards you with a black or gold n...